Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Shining Armor, Part V: Interrogation

7-27 YC114 2300

Interrogation Room
Ryven's Flagship
"Princess Shalee"
Revelation Class Dreadnaught

Ryven stared at the man across the cold metal table. The room was dimly lit and undecorated unless you counted the table, two chairs, and the assortment of torture devices decoration, in which case, it was perfectly arranged to give the torturee the appropriate level of despair.

The man across from Ryven was strapped to the chair with heated wire. The chair itself had internal heating coils. The level of heat was entirely controlled by a controller in Ryven's hand. He could near-instantaneously heat the wires and coils to 110 degrees Celsius.

The man seated in this ungodly device was target three's second in command. Target three had gone off the grid. Ryven needed his location ASAP.

"So." Ryven began, taking a moment to puff on a large cigar. "I'll ask again. Where is Mr. Nantes?"

This had been going on for seven hours. The man was already covered in blistered burns that were beginning to rupture. He was completely unclothed, and the agony was beginning to show through in the man's ragged breaths, wild eyes, and clenched teeth. Still, he remained silent. Ryven again pressed the controller. The man strained against the wires, his back arched. Every muscle in his body tight cords. The air reeked with the smell of burning flesh. Ryven smoked dispassionately for a good three minutes before deactivating the burn.

The man gasped, the wires on his chest had burned down to the muscles. His wristbones had begun to charr, his arteries cauterized. His hands would necrotize soon, lacking a supply of blood.

"You have held out admirably. Know this: if you die without giving me the information I seek, I will hunt down everyone dear to you and inflict a suffering you cannot imagine upon them."Ryven's gaze was stone. His eyes telegraphing his resolve. "I am a capsuleer. You know I will do it. So, again, tell me what I wish to know, and your family will be left alone, and you will die swiftly."

The man slumped, his resolve finally broken. He finally broke his silence, and what he said shocked Ryven to his very core and filled him with a white hot rage he had never before known.

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