Sunday, February 27, 2011


Last night, I decided to break my seclusion and continued my reading in the public hall of the Keep. I was shocked when I encountered an old acquaintance, Rin Kaelestria. We talked some about her tenure in my old corporation, J. D. Gaffa, Inc. I lamented the fact that at the time of my holding the office of CEO, I was quite withdrawn, and never really got to know her well. This is one of my lesser guilts, but the subject of past sins came up. Our reverie was broken by Cass, who interrupted to deliver an account of her sordid past as a member of our enemies. I likened sin to slavery, and managed to upset nearby Sister Matelo. She had been discussing something with Esna a few tables away. We were also visited by a holder I had never met before, who weighed in on the subject of sin. I was thoroughly interested, as I am now thirsty for knowledge of this faith, but it was getting very late, so I made my goodnights and left.
I am haunted by the guilt of my past transgressions and the senseless violence I have engaged in. Is it so wrong that I now search for redemption in the God of the Amarr? I am not yet a believer, but much that I have read rings true to me. I find that with each page I turn, my faith grows.

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