Saturday, July 13, 2013


The Rowdy Stray
7-13 YC115 1350

Ryven sat on the piano bench, his fingers  finding thier long forgotten home on the keys of a glistening black piano.  He pressed the keys, delicately at first, finding the melody slowly in tentative steps.  His mind was furiosly racing through a cornucopia of thoughts and recollections, his heart a tempest of emotions.  Thee music came out in sombre notes, a composition in a minor key, probably E.

The bar was empty, as it always was.  Zhou had abandoned it when he moved in with Leela.  Still, it looked exactly as it had the last time he had been here, with Shalee. It seemed so long ago, now, as though he were looking back at another life.  In a sense, he was.  There was a line of demarcation, bisecting his time before and after her.  He was convinced now that there was no return to that time.  She was no longer his, nor he hers.  This had finally become clear with the arrival of feelings for another.

Ryven was still surprised at himself.  He had not intended for it to happen, and he was still completely vexed as to the actual nature of the emotions he felt.  All he could say for certain was that he wanted to be around her, to know her, and most alarmingly, to have her know him.  When he was with her, he didn't feel he had to hide himself behind the usual mask.  He could simply be himself. This was both exhilirating and terrifying.  Yet, he wanted it still.

But, what did it all mean?  How did it even happen?  When he returned from his binge, his breakdown, he had sworn off romantic relationships, and he could sense he had hurt Shalee.  But, then this new presence swooped in, and despite himself, he could feel the tugging, the tightness and warmth in his chest.  His feet only barely touched the ground these days.

Ryven realized his melody had changed.  Without meaning to, his playing had become a song, not of sombreness or mourning, but one of light and warmth, a happy song. 

"What has happened to me?" He asked the empty bar.

Only silence answered, but his eyes found his face in the mirror behind the bar, and in his reflection, he was smiling.

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