Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Retribution, Part II: Preparations

Ibura System - Hidden location

19:24 12-26  YC 114

These men were terrorists, or perhaps freedom fighters, or even bloodthirsty murderers.  It depended on who you were asking.  In Ryven's experience, this was always the case with such men, driven as they were by their whatever causes they held as just.  When adamant will met with rigid ideology, ultra-violence often followed.  Luckily for Ryven, ultra-violence was his agenda.  He watched closely as a small gaggle of these men prepared his "care package."  He had been held here, virtually a prisoner, for the past two days after arriving on this orbital installation.  It felt like it had been far longer than that since he had said goodbye and hopped onto his shuttle away from the Manor and Shalee and all of his friends.  He had been sitting in his dark cell when one of the men had delivered the message that his corporation was no more, and of the birth of the new corporation, In Exile.  While this news was troubling, and certainly fanned the flames of old hatreds between him and his former comrade Sab0tag3, it was secondary to his current mission.  With that in mind, he filed the news of his corp's demise in the back of his brain and instead focused on running the mission over and over mentally until it was flawless.

Step One: Meet with terrorists and get supplies.  Check.  He would be leaving in the next day or so, God willing.

Step Two:  Gain atmospheric entry defense codes in order to fool the defense patrols and automated defenses on Caldari Prime.  This would likely require him to kill someone.  Or torture.  He was leaning toward kill.  In fact, it was part of his bargain with the terrorists.   They had a particular member of the Caldari State's Home Guard's boardroom in mind.  Ryven saw no reason not to acquiesce to these demands.

Step Three: Create a diversion.  This would be most easily achieved by detonating an explosive on a ship in orbit around Caldari Prime.  With the defense forces reacting to that action, it would grant Ryven a window of opportunity to perform an exoatmospheric re-entry using a stealth combat dropsuit.

Step Four: Do an exoatmospheric re-entry using a stealth combat dropsuit.

Step Five: Enter Hilen Ashenokka's penthouse apartment.

Step Six: Kill Hilen Ashenokka.

Step Seven: Escape.

Step Eight: Rendezvous with Leela and erase his records.

Step Nine: Return to Shalee and the Manor.

Step Ten: Drink copiously.

It was an easy enough plan. 

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