Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Die is Cast

             Months of planning had finally come together in one beautifully executed stroke.  She lay there, his cousin, dying in his uncle's arms.  Her life's blood pooling underneath her, her skin gaining that pallor that signals the end is very near.  Strangely, Ryven felt nothing.  He knew well enough, by now, that he wouldn't feel remorse or guilt.  That's just not how he was wired.  He had, however, expected to feel triumph, victory, the satisfaction that comes with accomplishing a goal, especially a goal as important to him as wiping out the remainder of his family line.  If asked, he likely would not be able to explain why he wished this, but, the most likely explanation is that the Haijikioten blood within him, the blood that coursed through Kalus's veins, was the embodiment of the supposed evil that led his father to piracy, and in the end, to his death, and thus, Ryven's life in an orphanage, the unwanted Haijikioten boy.
            Ryven had had almost no trouble arranging the whole thing.  It was a simple matter, really.  He had his contact in her pirate gang send a fake message from Krystal to another ship, which Titus and Ryven attacked shortly after.  This message was discovered in the process of salvaging the pirate ship.   Based on this information, Titus launched immediately into action.  This was not part of Ryven's plan.  It seemed to have worked out rather well, though.  Titus's fleet attacked fiercely and Ryven boarded the ship Krystal was being "held" on.   The fighting was short, but fierce.  He sent his boarding team to the bridge, while he searched the crew quarters, knowing full well that was where Krystal and his contact were going to be, having communicated with his contact prior to the attack.  However, it seemed that life imitated art, and his contact, Jacobus, really was holding her hostage, knife poised to thrust up into her ribs.  Ryven had not communicated to Jacobus why he wanted Krystal, only that he did want her.  So, Ryven smiled, closed the distance between them, and shoved Jacobus's hand, holding the knife, up into Krystal's ribs, piercing her heart.  Jacobus stared at him, shocked, and terrified.  Ryven quickly drew his pistol and fired a round directly into Jacobus's skull.  Word arrived over his comms link that the bridge had been taken.  Ryven quickly raised the "Tovil-Toba."
           "Captain, you're needed, immediately.  Krystal's hurt, badly.  Aft crew quarters."
While Ryven was lost in his reverie, a fiery rage began to boil inside Titus Haijikioten.  Without a word, he stood up, and brushed past Ryven on his way back to the Tovil-Toba.  He keyed up his comms link and quickly barked out orders.
"Everyone back to the Tovil-Toba.  We're getting underway right fucking now.  Arm every goddamn weapon we have.  Every goddamn one."


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