Thursday, October 20, 2011


As the years have passed, I have had time to reflect. One of the issues that troubled me was why I was so intent on murdering Titus's only offspring. The truth is, I hated who and what I was whilst simultaneously reveling in it. I blamed the Haijikioten blood for my ruthless savagery and saw the Haijikioten line in need of eradication. Self-preservation was a strong instinct, so I decided not to have any children of my own, and sought to ensure Titus and I were the last of our line. With Titus gone, I became the last scion of a lineage of thieves, killers, and renegades; a prince of evil seed.
Then one day I decided to end the pointless killing and give myself to a higher purpose. I recognize that while my talents lay in the field of bloody violence, those talents can serve something greater. The Haijikioten curse can be lifted and has. Now I am a Krennel, founder of a lineage. Now, I wonder if perhaps I do want a child.
Haijikiotens were often orphans. I am a capsuleer. Surely any child of mine wouldn't need to fear orphanhood. Haijikiotens are savages. Krennels are warriors. Surely I could teach my child the difference.

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