Monday, September 12, 2011

Null-Sec, Entrepreneurship, Betrayal

YC110-Early 111
Ryven was adrift, listless, bruised and weary. Capsuleerdom meant he got to experience death frequently, and it was always moderately unpleasant. He had been free of the Academy for only a few weeks when he suffered his first death. A pirate destroyed his Ibis and subsequently podded him. He felt a sharp pain as his pod vaporized, and the sensation of being stretched across an inconceivable distance before reawakening in his new clone, groggy and pissed off. Then came his first corporation, an abortion of a merc venture that saw him running lots of missions for Home Guard and Spacelane. The frenzy of murder for profit. Then his business partners, Katurn and Red Kai, gallente and Jin-Mei respectively, convinced him to join Xercore with them. This was a short period culminating in an expensive and poorly outfitted loss of Red's Hyperion and the trio's ejection from the corp.
They then joined FCUK, a subdivision of Liberty Alliance, which had just made a hegemonic pushed into the Pure Blind Region. Ryven got a taste for capsuleer combat sitting in ambush on the EC-P8R/Torrinos stargate in a Crow or a Drake. He enjoyed living in P2-TTL and the mentorship of his friend, Shock Ryder. All good things come to an end.
IRON attacked, an act of betrayal. Ryven undocked his Drake from the P2 station and was quickly destroyed. Starbase gunners manned their turrets as hundreds of ships poured into the system. Ryven contracted all of his goods to another capsuleer, Baron Nerus, to be carried out of the Region. Liberty was evacuating. Ryven hopped in his Crow and headed out of Pure Blind through the long route to Nonni.
Ryven left Liberty a few days later to follow Shock Ryder to the Arrow Project, a member of Morsus Mihi. His combat record from this period is empty. He focused on gaining capital by killing pirates in lonely dead end systems in Tribute. His life was quieter and he was slowly growing tired of his Morsus comrades. So, they left to fight Band of Brothers in the South, and Ryven left to join some capsuleers in J. D. Gaffa, where he would supposedly make a lot of money.

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